Building your brand’s unique selling point with copywriting
Copywriting can be the magic wand that elevates your brand above your competitors.
Especially when you use copywriting to highlight your unique selling point (USP).
Publishing great content gives you competitive advantage. Problem is, your competitors are also doing the same.
You need to find your unique selling point. Then use copywriting to draw customers to it.
Read also: How To Identify a Reliable Copywriter For Your Business
The key to creating a unique selling point is offering your customers something different. What you offer should add value to your customers.
You communicate this value using copywriting.
1. It’s what you say and how you say it
Copywriting is both what you say and how you say it. When it comes to your unique selling point, what you say really matters.
You need to tell your customers why they should choose you over all other brands.
How you sell yourself to customers involves the use of well crafted content. Your content should explicitly say what benefits your brand offers to customers.
Say it in a conversational tone. Use simple language.
The goal is for your customers to relate to your brand as closely as possible.
2. Find your niche and therein lies your unique selling point
It always seems like big brands find their unique selling point very easily. I think smaller brands can actually find their USP much easier.
If you are in an industry where you are competing with big brands, find the one thing that you can be an expert in. Refine your knowledge and skills in this area.
You have to use copywriting to describe what you do in an inviting way. Make it memorable. And let the benefits to your customers be apparent.
Customers will be drawn to a brand that promises and delivers a personal touch. Share on X3. Get a tagline to highlight your unique selling point
Establishing your unique selling point is pretty straightforward. A seasoned copywriter knows how to look not just at your brand but your competitors’ as well.
Seeing what other brands are offering helps to go in a different direction.
Professional copywriting involves research on your industry, and your customers’ preferences. When you hire copywriters, you should only engage those that show interest in your brand.
You can then be sure that they will craft a tagline that captures your unique selling point.
One of the all time great brands is Apple. True to its spirit of innovation and ability to stay ahead of competitors, Apple came up with the slogan “Think Different.”
The slogan is simple yet powerful. It accurately describes the Apple brand. Being different is certainly Apple’s unique selling point.
4. Let your content be consistent in describing your distinct voice
The goal is to rise above the crowd. Once you pick a unique selling point, you have to stick with it.
The one thing that customers want in a brand is consistency. You have to be consistent in delivering what you promise.
Importantly also, be consistent in the kind of content you put out to your customers. Your customers will see you as an authentic and reliable brand.
In parting..
Having a copywriter for your business is like purchasing a piece of land. It may not seem very prime as you purchase it, but eventually, you get to strut to the bank.
Don’t ignore the need to hire one today. Hiring copywriters is part of our everyday task, so we can help you get started.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash